Tuesday, November 2, 2010

M. Characters You Create

Writing is one of the most difficult tasks/hobbies that I have ever taken on.  It is grueling and mostly thankless.  So far all I have done is entertain myself, which for now has been good enough, but I have a thirst to be published.  I am starting to fall in love with the characters that are coming to life on the pages as if I know them.  They each have their own personality and quirks that make them unique.  Generally I like most of them and wouldn't want to see any harm come to them.

I think back to when I read Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire and how J K Rowlings had to kill off one of the characters.  In an interview she had stated that she had become extremely upset and even cried doing it.  I never understood that until now.  I couldn't imagine taking one of the characters that I created and just killing them.  I would be heartbroken.

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