Along with getting The Missing ready for release, Mike and I spent the long weekend cleaning and getting our house ready to go on the market. I love our house and we have lived there since our first born was 7 weeks old. There are a lot of great memories.
So why are we thinking about moving. We live in Wildwood , NJ a complete resort town, which again I love. We have found a house in the neighborhood that I grew up in that has a yard and is on the same street as my parents, my work and my grandmother. Where we are at now there is really no place outside for the kids to play or ride bikes. This house has it all plus family right around the corner. It wouldn't be a far move only about 10 mins. It isn't a sure thing yet.
Getting the house ready to be shown was hard work and made think about if we do move how much work that's going to be. I am excited and nervous all at the same time. The kids really want to move. I hope for their sake it does happen and fast, but you never know.
Monday, November 28, 2011
The Missing Release Party and CONTEST!
The Missing
YA Paranormal Ghost Story
Eight-year-old, Ethan Doyle is just a normal kid whose biggest problem in life was to fight for the attention of his busy parents from his older twin siblings. But, after his aunt and uncle tragically die, his family takes in his teenage cousin, Kelsey, and moves to a spooky old, manor house in a new town.
At first, everything seems fine, but when he begins to see and speak to a spirit named Lucas, his biggest problem becomes, just staying alive.
Lucas was ten years old when the spirits of the house came to him and asked him for help setting their spirits free. Unfortunately, he never made the deadline and as a result the spirits took him and made him a part of the house as well.
As he soon finds out, the only way he can save his own soul is to save the souls of the missing boys in the house. With his own deadline in place, Ethan enlists the help of his cousin Kelsey to solve the twenty-year-old mystery of THE MISSING.
The Missing is now available as an EBook for .99 cents.
Kindle UK
Coming Soon to Paperback!
As a part of our release party, we are attempting to do our best to get the word out about THE MISSING on Twitter, Facebook, and Goodreads. Anyone who Tweets about THE MISSING, who marks it to read on Goodreads, blogs about it, or Links up with the Facebook M.A. Leslie fan page is entered to win a signed copy. If you pledge to do any of the above, just enter your name into the LINKY at the bottom and that will enter you to win. We will be sending 1 Paperback to a lucky winner that will be selected randomly from the LINKY on Thursday 12-01-11.
If you want to Tweet about The Missing, please use hash tag - #TheMissing by @maleslie11
If you are using Facebook, please reference our facebook fan page
If you want to blog about it link up with this button:

Thank you for everyone, we appreciate everyone helping get the word out about The Missing. Now please enjoy the Epilogue:
I always wondered what my life would have been like if I would have just done what I was supposed to do. My name is Lucas and I am only ten years old, at least that was my age when I died. My past existence was one of leisure and ease; my days were filled with playing and the nuisance of school work. My parents had been a loving couple that stayed together my entire life. The only thing that they seemed to love more than each other was me. Life was definitely excellent for me, but unfortunately it didn’t prepare me in anyway for the inevitable death that I faced.
I remember the last day of my life as if it was only yesterday, I have had ten years to stew on it and recall it. Unfortunately being stuck in the house that I died in hasn’t given me a chance to forget it. It was like any other day that an overly imaginative kid filled with adventure would have. It all started with my normal trip down the two flights of stairs from my bedroom to the breakfast table, to eat with my parents and start my day. My mother had just gotten me new summer clothes the day before and I was wearing one of the blue tee-shirts and jean shorts that she had just gotten me, not because I had to but just to please my mother.
As usual I received a huge loving hug and kiss from my mother and father. They both seemed proud of everything that I did, even when it could be considered dangerous or foolish. They respected my sense of adventure and the imagination that flowed from every pore in my body. Little did they know that some of my imagination had been more than that, it had been truth.
I was sitting at the kitchen table enjoying some cereal filled with bananas and strawberries when my father asked, “What are you going to be doing today son.” He was always interested and intrigued by my daily adventures. Not in an annoying overbearing way, he was just interested.
“I am going to play in the tunnels today with the children,” I was trying to be honest but my parents seemed to see it as imagination. “I have been playing with them for days now. They want me to help them find something.”
“So you’re playing some sort of hide and seek with some imaginary children,” My mother wasn’t as keen on my inability to have real friends or at least what she would consider real friends. She had made several attempts through the years to invite neighborhood children around my age and younger for what she classified as play dates. I unfortunately didn’t take to them as well as she would have liked. Never the less she was still proud of my ability to thrive and be a fun loving, carefree youth.
I gave her a curt shrug and smiled, she always melted with a smile, “After today I will meet up with that girl from the other side of town that you like. I have to go into the tunnels today though. I promised.” I know now that I should have left the tunnels alone but then it seemed like an amazing adventure that I couldn’t pass up.
I finished my breakfast, gave my parents one last kiss and hug, and then left and went outside to the back yard to breath in my last breathe of fresh air in the open sun before heading down to the tunnels. I went down under the wraparound porch then to the entrance to the tunnel in the foundation of the house. The children were waiting for me just inside of the abyss that leads to the tunnels. They had been good to me and played with me for weeks. They seemed to be sad most of the time and always asked me to find something for them, I just never found it and they had never told me what it was. That particular day I followed them in but I wasn’t greeted the same way. The once friendly spirits that had become my companions were now upset with me. They seemed angry and agitated with me for not finding what they needed.
I was standing in the open room that had the door leading to the other tunnels and one of the children provoked me in a way that started to scare me, “I don’t know what you want from me. I don’t know what you need me to find. Please leave me alone, I want my mommy.”
The voices filled my head as if they skipped past my ears and echoed through my skull, “We told you that if you didn’t help us, then we would take you. Your time is up. You should have helped us.”
I wasn’t given a chance to rebuttal their decision, the last thing that I remember of my life was the darkness taking over as I watched the cold iron door close out any existence of light. Then all that remained for me was darkness, cold, and the children.
Later that evening, Lucas’s parents were sitting at the kitchen table staring at his empty place setting with a dinner plate ready for his arrival. They lived in a small safe town with a crime rate lower than most farm towns. They were convinced that their pride and joy was fine, but he had never been late for dinner before and it was now ten o’clock in the evening. It was now time to start worrying.
Lucas’s father called the local sheriff’s office and reported his son missing about a half an hour ago. They sat in the kitchen looking at his empty chair and panic was filling every inch of their coherent thoughts. Lucas’s mother broke the silence and looked at her sulking husband, “How long did the sheriff’s office say it would take for them to get here?”
He had almost missed the words that came out of his wife’s mouth, but some part of his consciousness caught them and he broke his stare from the lonely looking chair, “Huh, oh. They should be here within the next fifteen minutes.”
They both turned back to the kitchen chair and went back to their silence. The only thing interrupting the silence was the funny looking black cat clock hanging on the wall. Lucas had seen it two years ago and had to have one, and like most things Lucas had wanted his parents had bought it for him. His mother looked at the ticking nuisance that hung on the wall and started to cry. She had never wanted the tacky clock with the wide eyes and waging tail, but now it was comforting for her to see.
His father gave her a small smile and said, “He will be fine. We have to keep thinking that he is fine. He is probably out playing around and lost track of time. We have to stay positive.”
She gave him an understanding look but before she could reply a knocking from the front door interrupted her. Together they stood and answered the door. A young sheriff’s deputy was standing in the doorway with an innocent smile and the best comforting look he could muster. Lucas’s mother said, “Please come in officer.”
“Thank you ma’am I am Officer Doyle.” The officer introduced himself as he walked through the door.
The young man couldn’t be more than fifteen years older than their son with baby soft cheeks graced with unevenly growing stubble, but his innocence and boyish tact was what they needed. He went through the normal questions that his training had taught him. Such as, what does he look like, do you have a recent photo, when was the last time you had seen him, and the worst one of all, do you suspect foul play?
Each question was asked with the utmost of care but they all struck Lucas’s parents like a bullet in the heart. His mother was crying within minutes then by the end his father had joined her. The young deputy reassured them that they would do their best to find the missing boy and headed out the front door to begin his search. He Left the two distraught parents to stew on the fact that their son, their golden boy, was missing without a trace or reason.
Friday, November 25, 2011
Introducing "The Missing"
Sorry everyone,
We have been busy lately with writing and have been neglecting our blogging. Sorry, but the exciting news is that it was all for a really great reason. As of Monday, 11-28-11, out YA Paranormal novel The Missing will be released on the Nook and Kindle.
Our excitement is building and we are hoping to get some help from everyone. On Monday, after the Nook and Kindle pages are assigned, we are going to post them and hope that we can get your help to post them too.
So, please keep an eye out for our post and hopefully we can take toTwitter, Facebook, and Goodreads. With your help, maybe we can get the word out and have a great release day. Anybody that stops by on Monday should enter their information into the Linky at the bottom. We are going to be giving one signed copy away!
Of course, we wouldn't tell you all about the book without giving you a taste of what's to come!
Please, check out THE MISSING
Eight-year-old, Ethan Doyle is just a normal kid whose biggest problem in life was to fight for the attention of his busy parents from his older twin siblings. But, after his aunt and uncle tragically die, his family takes in his teenage cousin, Kelsey, and moves to a spooky old, manor house in a new town.
At first, everything seems fine, but when he begins to see and speak to a spirit named Lucas, his biggest problem becomes, just staying alive.
Lucas was ten years old when the spirits of the house came to him and asked him for help setting their spirits free. Unfortunately, he never made the deadline and as a result the spirits took him and made him a part of the house as well.
As he soon finds out, the only way he can save his own soul is to save the souls of the missing boys in the house. With his own deadline in place, Ethan enlists the help of his cousin Kelsey to solve the twenty-year-old mystery of THE MISSING.
We have been busy lately with writing and have been neglecting our blogging. Sorry, but the exciting news is that it was all for a really great reason. As of Monday, 11-28-11, out YA Paranormal novel The Missing will be released on the Nook and Kindle.
Our excitement is building and we are hoping to get some help from everyone. On Monday, after the Nook and Kindle pages are assigned, we are going to post them and hope that we can get your help to post them too.
So, please keep an eye out for our post and hopefully we can take toTwitter, Facebook, and Goodreads. With your help, maybe we can get the word out and have a great release day. Anybody that stops by on Monday should enter their information into the Linky at the bottom. We are going to be giving one signed copy away!
Of course, we wouldn't tell you all about the book without giving you a taste of what's to come!
Please, check out THE MISSING
Eight-year-old, Ethan Doyle is just a normal kid whose biggest problem in life was to fight for the attention of his busy parents from his older twin siblings. But, after his aunt and uncle tragically die, his family takes in his teenage cousin, Kelsey, and moves to a spooky old, manor house in a new town.
At first, everything seems fine, but when he begins to see and speak to a spirit named Lucas, his biggest problem becomes, just staying alive.
Lucas was ten years old when the spirits of the house came to him and asked him for help setting their spirits free. Unfortunately, he never made the deadline and as a result the spirits took him and made him a part of the house as well.
As he soon finds out, the only way he can save his own soul is to save the souls of the missing boys in the house. With his own deadline in place, Ethan enlists the help of his cousin Kelsey to solve the twenty-year-old mystery of THE MISSING.
Friday, November 18, 2011
M. Urban Mythos
You Should Read Urban Mythos!
Earlier this week, I finished reading Urban Mythos by Jay Eckert and all I can say is that it was an amazing book.
I first "Internet" met Jay about a year ago, when we started this whole blogging thing. Just from reading his blog and the way that he wrote his posts, I knew that I would love anything he wrote. So, a few months ago, when I found out he was self-publishing his YA novel Urban Mythos, I was one of the first to buy it.
However, as it always does, life got in the way as well as a stack of books that I was already reading. Instead of reading it right away, I let it just stew inside the depths of my computer and wait for me to be ready.
The other day was that day. I picked it up and began to read. Just like most stories that are amazing, I didn't want to put it down. I put off blogging, some writing, and a few hours of sleep. Believe me, it was worth it.
There were great characters, plot twists, turns, and a surprises that I am still shaking my head at. The story, the writing, and the voice did not disappoint. I am glad to have had the opportunity to have gotten to know Jay and read his book. I would recommend it to anybody that loves to read, that is the only prerequisite that is needed to enjoy it.
Please check it out, I promise you won't be disappointed.
Barnes and Nobles:

Jay's Blog: Sharpened Pen
Earlier this week, I finished reading Urban Mythos by Jay Eckert and all I can say is that it was an amazing book.
I first "Internet" met Jay about a year ago, when we started this whole blogging thing. Just from reading his blog and the way that he wrote his posts, I knew that I would love anything he wrote. So, a few months ago, when I found out he was self-publishing his YA novel Urban Mythos, I was one of the first to buy it.
However, as it always does, life got in the way as well as a stack of books that I was already reading. Instead of reading it right away, I let it just stew inside the depths of my computer and wait for me to be ready.
The other day was that day. I picked it up and began to read. Just like most stories that are amazing, I didn't want to put it down. I put off blogging, some writing, and a few hours of sleep. Believe me, it was worth it.
There were great characters, plot twists, turns, and a surprises that I am still shaking my head at. The story, the writing, and the voice did not disappoint. I am glad to have had the opportunity to have gotten to know Jay and read his book. I would recommend it to anybody that loves to read, that is the only prerequisite that is needed to enjoy it.
Please check it out, I promise you won't be disappointed.
Barnes and Nobles:

Jay's Blog: Sharpened Pen

Wednesday, November 9, 2011
S is for...
Can anybody believe that we are already to the letter S. It seems like just the other day, we started this blogfest hosted by Aleta and now we are to S.
Well despite the fact that time and letters are flying, here we go, in the grand old state of NJ we have ___ that starts with S.
Sand - With beaches running from the Cape all of the way up the coast toward New York, New Jersey has some of the most beautiful beaches that are filled with gorgeous sand. Unfortunately, due to beach errosion, from tides and storms, the sand has to constantly be put back in place. Either way though, there is nothing better then slipping off your sandals and letting the sand tickle your toes.
Sea Isle City - One of the many shore points in Cape May county, Sea Isle is one of the few islands that we don't frequent. It is known for it's rowdy crowds of college students, down for "Study Time" and bars. I have heard it is a hopping place and the only time I remember even going was to see a friend do his stand up comedy act there.
Seaside Heights - Another shore town on the coast. This one is closer to NY and in Ocean County. Its claim to fame is the reality TV show Jersey Shore.
Shore - We might as well throw in the fact that the entire eastern coast of NJ is what is considered the shore and despite the bad name that Jersey Shore has put on us (A bunch of kids from NY) it truly is a beautiful place to visit.
Stadiums - There are several sport stadiums/arenas in NJ. Instead of going over all of them though, we are going to tell you about our favorite. New Meadowlands Stadium, home of the NY Giants (GO BIG BLUE) and NY Jets. People still can't wrap their heads around why NY teams play in NJ, but if you were to go to the stadium you would see, it's only a stones throw from East Rutherford (Home of the Stadium) to New York City.
p.s. For any that didn't know, Amy and I are both NY Giants fans and whoever the Eagles are playing that week.

Well despite the fact that time and letters are flying, here we go, in the grand old state of NJ we have ___ that starts with S.
Sand - With beaches running from the Cape all of the way up the coast toward New York, New Jersey has some of the most beautiful beaches that are filled with gorgeous sand. Unfortunately, due to beach errosion, from tides and storms, the sand has to constantly be put back in place. Either way though, there is nothing better then slipping off your sandals and letting the sand tickle your toes.
Sea Isle City - One of the many shore points in Cape May county, Sea Isle is one of the few islands that we don't frequent. It is known for it's rowdy crowds of college students, down for "Study Time" and bars. I have heard it is a hopping place and the only time I remember even going was to see a friend do his stand up comedy act there.
Seaside Heights - Another shore town on the coast. This one is closer to NY and in Ocean County. Its claim to fame is the reality TV show Jersey Shore.
Shore - We might as well throw in the fact that the entire eastern coast of NJ is what is considered the shore and despite the bad name that Jersey Shore has put on us (A bunch of kids from NY) it truly is a beautiful place to visit.
Stadiums - There are several sport stadiums/arenas in NJ. Instead of going over all of them though, we are going to tell you about our favorite. New Meadowlands Stadium, home of the NY Giants (GO BIG BLUE) and NY Jets. People still can't wrap their heads around why NY teams play in NJ, but if you were to go to the stadium you would see, it's only a stones throw from East Rutherford (Home of the Stadium) to New York City.
p.s. For any that didn't know, Amy and I are both NY Giants fans and whoever the Eagles are playing that week.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011
M. Willy Wonka & the Query Letter
Amy and I just finished up with edits on one of our YA thrillers that has been a WIP for some time now. Thanks to some extra time and motivation recently, we got it finished and ready for submitting that query letter.
As most of you know, we have already tried the traditional method of publishing twice. First, we tried Liberty and then Tristen, as you can see we didn't get through that way and self published. Which brings me to my point. Charlie Bucket was the poor boy in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory and despite his few attempts and several failures; he kept looking for that golden ticket.
Not saying that writing a query letter is as easy as buying a piece of chocolate and opening a wrapper, I am just saying that I can understand his desperation to win. I think that even with all of the talent, planning, writing, rewriting, and editing of a query letter, it takes a little luck some times too.
So please, if you can, wish us luck as we trek back down the path of traditional publishing and try to get past the point that we made it the last time. Every time the foil peels back, it is a different surprise, I just hope this time around our golden ticket will come instead of a form letter.
As most of you know, we have already tried the traditional method of publishing twice. First, we tried Liberty and then Tristen, as you can see we didn't get through that way and self published. Which brings me to my point. Charlie Bucket was the poor boy in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory and despite his few attempts and several failures; he kept looking for that golden ticket.
Not saying that writing a query letter is as easy as buying a piece of chocolate and opening a wrapper, I am just saying that I can understand his desperation to win. I think that even with all of the talent, planning, writing, rewriting, and editing of a query letter, it takes a little luck some times too.
So please, if you can, wish us luck as we trek back down the path of traditional publishing and try to get past the point that we made it the last time. Every time the foil peels back, it is a different surprise, I just hope this time around our golden ticket will come instead of a form letter.
Friday, November 4, 2011
I am not a morning person and my whole day can easily be thrown off by the most minuet things. Yesterday was that kind of day. I over slept for one thing, and our house is a little crazy in the morning. With a 9 yr old and 7yr old to get ready for school. My husband who I love dearly is to me a morning person. He is the first one up, he wakes up both kids and usually starts the coffee.
Now I am an avid coffee drinker, I drink way too much. With that said I have no idea how to make coffee. I know the basics put the water in and the filter but i can never get the measurements right. Mike is the coffee maker and yesterday when I woke up late and had to get ready for work in less then a half an hour I walked down the stairs to find Mike in the shower. (he had no work yesterday) and the coffee was not made. It wasn't even started and the pieces of the coffee pot weren't even together. Needless to say I was not a happy camper. My whole day was thrown off. I know I am a bit of a drama queen and I am very spoiled by my husband. I pretty much stayed mad at him all day and everything he said i turned around so i could stay mad.
Today is a new day and my coffee was made. I can function today again.
Now I am an avid coffee drinker, I drink way too much. With that said I have no idea how to make coffee. I know the basics put the water in and the filter but i can never get the measurements right. Mike is the coffee maker and yesterday when I woke up late and had to get ready for work in less then a half an hour I walked down the stairs to find Mike in the shower. (he had no work yesterday) and the coffee was not made. It wasn't even started and the pieces of the coffee pot weren't even together. Needless to say I was not a happy camper. My whole day was thrown off. I know I am a bit of a drama queen and I am very spoiled by my husband. I pretty much stayed mad at him all day and everything he said i turned around so i could stay mad.
Today is a new day and my coffee was made. I can function today again.
M. The Death of a Bookstore
Well, yesterday, in an attempt to promote our books, Liberty and Tristen and the Magic Shop, I called our local bookstore. We figured, why not have a book signing in Cape May during their Hospitality Night at Christmas time.
It really seemed like a great idea, mainly because it stemmed from Amy, the source of all great ideas that we have. However, when I called them, I found out that sadly our book store is going out of business. Not only are they going out of business, but all of their stores at the Shore are going under.
That is sad news on more levels then you can imagine. Not only is it sad because a bookstore is closing and their is one less place to get books, but because Atlantic Books was the last chain of bookstores, within 100 miles of our house.
Depressing right? What I want to know and I want your opinions about is, do you think that book stores are dying because of EBooks and mail order companies? Do you think that the Nook and Kindle have killed the local book store or do you think that there is a chance for future bookstores, if they just come up with a new theme and method to market?
It really seemed like a great idea, mainly because it stemmed from Amy, the source of all great ideas that we have. However, when I called them, I found out that sadly our book store is going out of business. Not only are they going out of business, but all of their stores at the Shore are going under.
That is sad news on more levels then you can imagine. Not only is it sad because a bookstore is closing and their is one less place to get books, but because Atlantic Books was the last chain of bookstores, within 100 miles of our house.
Depressing right? What I want to know and I want your opinions about is, do you think that book stores are dying because of EBooks and mail order companies? Do you think that the Nook and Kindle have killed the local book store or do you think that there is a chance for future bookstores, if they just come up with a new theme and method to market?
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
R is for...

Today we are doing the ABC your home state in the state of NJ and we are to the letter R. One of my favorite NJ letters.
Rancocas River - A river that is a tributary into the Delaware river. A beautiful small river with fishing, a thousand turtles, boating, and camping.
Reality TV - Even though so many people in this country knock NJ, they don't seem to be able to get enough of us. NJ is one of the largest reality TV hubs and with shows like Jerseylicious, Real Housewives of NJ, Jersey Shore, The Cake Boss, and so many more, it is evident to see that people can't get enough of us. BUT, know one thing, North Jersey and South Jersey people might as well be as different as people from California and Texas.

Today we are doing the ABC your home state in the state of NJ and we are to the letter R. One of my favorite NJ letters.
Rancocas River - A river that is a tributary into the Delaware river. A beautiful small river with fishing, a thousand turtles, boating, and camping.
Reality TV - Even though so many people in this country knock NJ, they don't seem to be able to get enough of us. NJ is one of the largest reality TV hubs and with shows like Jerseylicious, Real Housewives of NJ, Jersey Shore, The Cake Boss, and so many more, it is evident to see that people can't get enough of us. BUT, know one thing, North Jersey and South Jersey people might as well be as different as people from California and Texas.
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